Offers for the best solutions

Offers for the best solution in the Geo-Data Fusion Hackathon 2024

The following offers will be awarded to the best solutions in the 2024 Geo-Data Fusion Hackathon.

  • 1st place - Up to 20.000,- Euros for a pilot project with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. This price will be awarded to the best solution for an offered challenge, decided by the jury.


  • 2nd place - Up to 10.000,- Euros for a pilot project with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management. This price will be awarded to the second best solution for an offered challenge, decided by the jury.


  • 3rd place - Public Choice Award – Sit with the astronauts and the DG's of ESA! You get VIP tickets for the ESA Open Day at ESTEC on October 6 in Noordwijk, during the NL Space Week. 


  • Public Vote Award - Vote for your favourite and get the chance to win your own VIP ticket for the ESA Open Day at ESTEC! One VIP ticket for the ESA Open Day at ESTEC will be offered to one person who votes online for the Public Choice Award.